ESTABLISHMENT : National Commission for Civic Education (NCCE) – Akatsi South District Office
ACTS: National Commission for Civic Education Act, 1993 (Act 452)
Both Article 233 of the 1992 Constitution and section 2 of National Commission
for Civic Education Act, 1993 (Act 452) mandate the NCCE to perform the
Following functions:
1. to create and sustain within the society the awareness of the principles and objectives of this Constitution as the fundamental law of the people of Ghana;
2. to educate and encourage the public to defend this Constitution at all times, against all forms of abuse and violation;
3. to formulate for the consideration of Government, from time to time, programmes at the national, regional and district levels aimed at realising the objectives of this Constitution;
4. to formulate, implement and oversee programmes intended to inculcate in the citizens of Ghana awareness of their civic responsibilities and an appreciation of their rights and obligations as free people; and such other functions as Parliament may prescribe.
The National Commission for Civic Education (NCCE) have been able to educate the citizenry to become informed and active participants in the political and civil life of the society. The NCCE ensures that the participation of the citizenry is ruled by the principles of peaceful coexistence, respect for the law, and tolerance of the different views of other groups and individuals
The NCCE through it Civic Education Clubs (CEC) activities in schools, have been able to instil a sense of civic awareness and patriotism among in-school youth, and also helped to sharpen their cognitive and communication skills of pupils and students.
1. Annual Constitution Week
The Annual Constitution Week was initiated in 2001 to recognize the Fourth Republic and the date on which the general population of through a referendum accepted Ghana's Fourth Republican Constitution. The 'week' is observed yearly from the 28th of April to the 4th of May, across the nation with well thought out themes. Every year introduces a one of a kind procedure and focuses for the festival. Activities composed during the Week run from addresses, roundtable discussions, debates, quizzes, constitution game competition, durbars, clean-up campaigns, dramatization and media commitment.
2. Annual Citizenship Week
The NCCE's Citizenship Week was established in 2012. The 'Week' introduces a stage to help youthful Ghanaians to remember their obligations as citizens and the role they can play in building a strong, vibrant and democratic Ghana. During the Citizenship Week, the Commission draws in volunteers from the scholarly world, business groups, clergy, experts, media, women groups, people in authority positions and accomplished citizens living in the communities to interact and impact moral values of good citizenship, the need to uphold democratic values and civic responsibilities at basic schools across the country. In 2012, the maiden Citizenship Week was held in two thousand (2,000) schools throughout Ghana. Currently, ten thousand basic schools were engaged in 2019, the celebration is observed in all offices of the Commission that is 230 district offices, 10 regional offices and the head office
3. Social Auditing Programme
The Social Auditing Project began in 2006 to move forwards transparency and accountability among public office holders and encourage citizens' participation in governance. The concept is a fundamental component of participatory majority rule government that enables the populace to request responsibility from duty bearers (both elected and appointed). Social Audit offers a stage for public education that enables the public to assess the performance of public policies, programmes and projects. This tries to impact the procedures, results and effects of public policies and activities against the comparing budgetary allocation for their execution. Quite a few numbers of communities throughout the country have been introduced to the concept of Social Auditing. Klokpe, Sremanu and other communities have greatly benefited from the Social Auditing Engagement. Sremanu current mechanized water borehole project was birth through this project.
4. Civic Education Club Activities
The NCCE's Civic Education Clubs (CEC) supports the study of the Constitution to widen and extend the comprehension of the young ones in democracy and country building. Students are urged to understand their roles as future leaders and take a dynamic part in consolidating Ghana's democracy and national stability. The NCCE started Civic Education Club project 1996. The Commission has more than two thousand six hundred fifty (2,650) CECs in basic, secondary and tertiary institutions nationwide and currently the district has established thirty-six (36) civic education clubs across basic and second circle schools in the district. CECs engage in activities such as quizzes, debates, constitution game competition, project citizen competition, mock parliaments, clean-up activities etc.
5. Project Citizen
Project Citizen is one of NCCE projects that prepare students (aged 11-18 years) to screen and influence public policy at the local and national government levels. It empowers students to get civic knowledge, civic skills and civic dispositions. The project likewise lectures democratic values and principles that make students all around educated, critical/reasoned leaders and effective participants in a democratic dispensation. The concept was presented in Ghana by the NCCE in 2006. From that point forward, the number of participating schools has increased from twenty (20) to over three hundred and fifty-five (355) institutions. The last project citizen showcase organized for secondary schools in the Volta region was hosted by the Akatsi South District at Akatsi Secondary Technical School (AKAST) and the Civic Education Club of the AKAST were ranked third in the region.
The Commission is currently running a UNICEF Child Protection Project dubbed; Adolescent Behavioural Change Project in twelve (12) communities bring the total number of communities benefiting from this project to forty-two (42) communities, with the collaboration of Department of Social Welfare and Community Development, Commission on Human Right and Administrative Justice, Ghana Education Service’s Girl Child Unit and Ghana Health Service’s Adolescent and Reproductive Health Unit. On Covid-19, the NCCE is in the forefront, leading in the sensitisation on the observation of the WHO protocols in the management of the virus through daily radio programmes, dawn to dusk street broadcast and community engagements.
The National Commission for Civic Education is one of the Independent Governance Institution set up under Article 231 of the Constitution of the Fourth Republic of Ghana. The Commission works to promote and sustain democracy and inculcate in the Ghanaian citizenry, the awareness of their rights and obligations, through civic education.
The NCCE’s vision is to be an effective independent governance institution delivering civic education to all Ghanaians and working towards sustaining Ghana’s democracy.
The mission of the NCCE is to promote and sustain democracy and inculcate in the Ghanaian citizenry, the awareness of their rights and obligation through civic education.
The NCCE is operating under these three core values Integrity, Presence and Independence. The NCCE will apply integrity in all its dealings The NCCE is present in every district and community throughout Ghana with 216 offices nationwide. It is independent in the performance of its work.