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Mr. Emmanuel Ikpe Quacou

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The Municipal Coordinating Director (MCD)

The Municipal Coordinating Director shall be the Secretary to the Assembly and the head of the Municipal Co-ordinating Directorate. He/ she shall also be a member of the Local Government Service. The Coordinating Director assists the Municipal Assembly in the performance of its duties and performs the following functions:

The Municipal Co-ordinating Director is in the performance of his functions, answerable directly to the Municipal Chief Executive and is to ensure the effective and efficient performance of the Akatsi South Municipal Assembly.

The Municipal Co-ordinating Director is the Chief Advisor to the Municipal Chief Executive on all matters related to the District.

The Municipal Co-ordinating Director shall

1. Provide leadership and guidance for determining policies and objectives within the Assembly and the implementation of policies and objectives.

2. Co-ordinate work programmes and provide rules, guidelines and procedures to facilitate the achievement of targets set by the Assembly.

3. Develop systems for effective workflow and feedback on activities within the District.

Specifically, the Municipal​​​​​​​ Co-ordinating Director shall in relation to the Assembly,

1. Recommend the disbursement of funds belonging to the Assembly in accordance with prevailing financial regulations.

2. Be responsible for the general financial administration of the Akatsi South Municipal Assembly, in consultation with the Municipal Chief Executive. To this end, he shall ensure the                 submission, on regular basis, of proposal for and returns on disbursement of funds approved under both recurrent and development expenditures including the District                           Assembly Common Fund, the District Development Facility, other central government transfers and donor project funds, signing of all Payment Vouchers, Financial                                 Encumbrances, etc.

3. Recommend all leave of absence for Heads of Decentralised Department as well as ensure the effective organisation and co-ordination of leave of absence within the                            Assembly.

4. Request for action programmes and budgets from all Decentralised Departments.

5. Ensure the establishment by all Departments, of proper codes of conduct for administrative, financial and operational transactions.

6. Recommend any actions involving the disposal of capital assets belonging to the Assembly.

7. Ensure the development and enforcement of an effective system of discipline within the Assembly.

8. Submit Performance Appraisal Reports on all categories of officers within the Assembly and Heads of Decentralised Departments

9. Ensure the full operationalization of the Sub-District structures

10. Ensure that the Akatsi South District Assembly goes through the various stages of the DPAT process each year.

11. Shall endorse all stores to be issued by the Storekeeper

12. Secretary, District Security Committee.

13. Secretary, Executive Committee

14. Secretary, District Tender Committee.

15. Secretary to the Assembly

Other Departments