The Rent Control Division is one of the seven divisions under the Ministry of Water Resources Works and Housing. The division was established in 1963 by an ACT of parliament to be responsible for monitoring and establishment of guide lines relating to regulating of landlords and tenants’ relationship to create enabling environment for socio - economic of the state.
The department operate on private residential premises, shops, kiosk, commercial premises, and industrial premises. Etc
3. Type of Complaints
3. What laws(s) support the work of Rent control Department?
4. What parties conferred on rent control department?
Some of the expects are:
5. Who is /are entitled to rent room/s commercial apartments or shops?
Any person who is mentally sound and 18years and above be a citizen or non-citizen (the law state that any foreigner who has come to stay and work or established business MUST obtain work permit from the district assemble and residential permit Ghana from immigration service.
6.Who is/are entitled to lodge complains to your department?
7. How rent control does its operation?
The office is arbitrational court and we require the attendance of the parties and witness for a particular case. We apply regulations 38(b) of rent acts which term as form 33 and this form 33 can be issued by only appropriate rent officer/rent magistrate for the person whom the complaint has been made. Regulation 38(a) is Form 32 a summons letter for witness to attend and give evidence to a particular state matter. Every person summoned to appear before the appropriate rent officer/rent magistrate shall appear at the date, time, and the place specified in the summons. Failure to appear would result on further legal action against you.
1. Landlords are to ensure that their premise is in a tenantable condition before renting them out.
2. Issuance of receipt for the payment of rent in advance specifying
3. Issuance of rent card within seven (7) days after the commencement of the agreement
4. Issuance of tenancy agreement within twenty-one (21) days after the commencement of the tenancy
5. Registration of the tenancy at rent control department (the number of tenants in your house and must be updating yearly).
6. Provide with relevant information to the rent control department especially with respect to vacant premises.
7.Provision of standard amenities in the premises. Eg Electricity, potable water, bathroom, kitchen, toilet, etc
8. Responsible for major repairs in the premises
9. Landlords are prohibited from increasing the monthly rent without a written notice to the tenants specifying the increase in rate.
10. To investigate and gather information about their would-be tenant to avoid rating rooms to people with questionable lifestyles. Example
11. To inspect and make sure that non-nationals obtain residential permit from Ghana immigration service and also obtain work permit from the district assemble before accepting them as tenants